The Chiropractor 

He was well versed on current events which is important to me. He also had the same pretty face in his profile picture that was easy to look at. He had those two things going for him. He happened to be a carnivore and takes his meat rare and only eats vegetables in their raw form. I could deal with that. Then I made the mistake of asking him what he does for a living after I finished answering his standard questions. I didn’t plan on learning all about his neurological chiropractic beliefs for the hour long dinner and through the live bluegrass performance that followed. I thought the music might offer some relief but I was mistaken. By 11:30pm my ears were ringing from both the banjo on stage and his disgruntled thoughts on physicians and their philosophy of medicine. I didn’t mind the bluegrass!


The Pilot

I never was one to have a New Years resolution. The first thing that comes to mind is a pledge to eat healthier (I already do) and exercise more–that’s one I could work on. I started a new job a few weeks ago and my commute has increased in length. I have the amazing luxury of listening to books on cd but that means by the time I get home at night I’m looking forward to dinner and unwinding for a bit before shower and bed time. But something dawned on me. I had the perfect resolution for 2015: to not discriminate potential dates based on their height. Ignore that part of the profile and go with your gut. Don’t let height stop me from finding my marvelous new man.

So I disregarded the height factor and met Mr. Pilot for dinner. Early on in our conversation he seemed intelligent, well traveled (his job helps) and a man of many talents (including furniture making and a gem mining). Israeli by birth, raised ultra orthodox until he was sent to live with an ailing uncle in Alabama where he discovered his passion for flying. To make a long story short we enjoyed each other’s company until we realized we’d hit a major stumbling block–he never wants to have his own children. He’s perfectly happy spending time with his 14 nieces and nephews and calling it a day. If I’d noticed this on his Jdate profile (which said we were a 95% match) I would have pointed that out over our brief email exchange before meeting. At the end of the night we wished each other luck and parted ways. I’m glad we met but wish our wants were more aligned. We’ll see what the next one brings!


Emory Memory

So we had to meet in person for a drink after realizing he went to college with my best friend from high school. They were both Greek and hung out in the same social circles. Little did I know that his full body profile pictures were from back in the day (almost 15 years ago). His single headshot was the most recent and realistic photo he had posted. I found this out when we both arrived at the brewery the same time and he got out of his car. I wish people would not misrepresent themselves online. It’s so frustrating! The only way to find out the truth is meeting face to face. I’m so glad we did but we won’t be meeting again.
