Montrealer Baller

The conversation flowed easily in part to his executive marketing tenure for P&G in Russia and other European countries for over a dozen years. Originally from our friendly northern neighbors he lived abroad and came to Boca 18 months ago to be with his ailing mother. He asked me if I liked the taste of beer. He said that girls who do are easy. It just so happens I don’t. He also asked if I liked horror films, would consider leaving life behind to set sail around the world for a year or if I’d ever explored a foreign city myself. He said that researchers found that when couples answered those three questions alike that they would succeed in a relationship. He doesn’t eat anything that ends in the letter O except for mango. Growing up he played ice hockey and had his nose broken one too many times eliminating his sense of smell. Every type of spicy ethnic food was his favorite for that simple reason. 
With favorite activities including hiking and playing guitar he managed to slip in that he lied about his age in his profile. When I asked why he found it necessary he simply said that if I’d known he was 47 I wouldn’t have responded to his email. I told him he was mistaken and continued to finish my iced passion tea. And say buh bye.  


The One with the Wonder Son

Ever get set up with someone by a mutual friend just because the two of you are single? That hasn’t happened to me many times but it did a few months ago. I was told that we also had religion in common. As it turned out his mother converted to Judaism before she married his father.

That’s not a disqualifier for me at all. What was a disqualifier happened to be the time he spent telling me about his career in finance and his superman of a son. I understand most parents love to brag about their children–as they should–but I don’t need to spend over two hours in Starbucks hearing about his son’s extraordinary intellect and off-the-charts IQ score.

I’m glad we were introduced because I was able to see how one can avoid becoming officially obsessed with a child.

Newsflash: it’s one thing to put yourself on the dating market if you have a child/children and walk into a relationship wanting to get to know the other person. It’s another to try to be open to dating and only talk about your child prodigy–with little or no interest in having a two-sided conversation and trying to learn more about that other person you are sipping a latte with.


My Meet n’ Greet Location of Choice

It’s most definitely Starbucks or as my friends know ‘Bux’. It’s a safe, public place with multiple locations in town. I tend to steer clear of my neighborhood spot. I’m not on a first-name basis with the baristas there but they know my face. I feel like that spot should remain mine and no one else’s. Besides, I don’t want the baristas to have something to gossip to each other about when I make my traditional weekend pit stops for pick-me-ups. By picking an unfamiliar location I can remain under the radar and meet potential dates wherever we both choose.

Do you wait until you meet your date on location before you head to the counter to order your drink? Do you prefer to order together or do you feel more comfortable armed with your drink before your date arrives? Do you sip your traditional drink of choice or go for something you would never get on your own? Do you offer to pay for your own drink or let him treat you?
